Table of Contents
Classes and Objects - Object-Oriented Design Patterns
Mixins / Extending Object Functionality with Mixins
An Object is Prototype-linked to a Single Object
Recall that an object's .prototype property points to just one object. This is because JavaScript only supports single inheritance. If there is an object A and an object B, object C can only be prototype-linked to either A or B.
If a JavaScript object can only be prototype-linked to a single object, how can we go about extending properties and methods from multiple different sources? A mixin allows us to just that!
A mixin is a technique that takes the properties and methods from one object and copies them over to another object. In other words: a mixin is an technique that provides some useful functionality, but is not meant to be added to the prototype chain.
🍦All Good Comes from Ice Cream 🍦
Did you know that the term mixin is actually inspired by ice cream? The concept of a basic flavor being mixed in with several different extra items (e.g. nuts, fudge, cookies, sprinkles, etc.) was later adopted by computer scientists in object-oriented programming. What a tasty revelation!
Mixins is similar to multiple inheritance in C++, but ...
In C++, multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit from multiple base classes 12. When a class inherits from multiple base classes, it can access the members of all the base classes. However, if two or more base classes have a member with the same name, the derived class must specify which member to use.
On the other hand, mixins in JavaScript are a way to reuse code by combining the properties and methods of multiple objects into a single object 42. Mixins are not a part of the language itself, but rather a pattern that can be implemented using JavaScript’s object system. Mixins are often used to add functionality to an object that is not part of its original prototype.
In summary, while both multiple inheritance in C++ and mixins in JavaScript allow for the reuse of code, they are fundamentally different concepts. Multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit from multiple base classes, while mixins allow for the combination of properties and methods from multiple objects into a single object. Mixins is as a design pattern of javascript.
The simplest way to implement the mixin pattern is to use Object.assign(). Object.assign() is a method that copies an object's own (non-inherited) properties from one or more source objects into a target object, then returns the updated target object. In other words, Object.assign() adds to the target object by merging in the source object(s). Consider the following:
let target = {};
let source = { number: 7 };
Object.assign(target, source);
// { number: 7 }
The first argument passed in, target, is the destination that receives the properties copied from the source object, source. Note that Object.assign() does not create and return a new object; it directly modifies then returns the same target object that was passed in! As such, values of existing properties will be overwritten, while properties that don't exist in the source object will remain intact:
let target = { letter: 'a', number: 11 };
let source = { number: 7 };
Object.assign(target, source);
// { letter: 'a', number: 7 }
In the above example, the value of target's number property was overwritten, while its letter property was ignored.
Multiple Source Objects
Object.assign() can even take in multiple different source objects. Let's create a platypus object by mixing in properties from other animals:
const duck = {
hasBill: true
const beaver = {
hasTail: true
const otter = {
hasFur: true,
feet: 'webbed'
const platypus = Object.assign({}, duck, beaver, otter);
// { hasBill: true, hasTail: true, hasFur: true, feet: 'webbed' }
Great! After merging an empty target object (i.e., an object without properties of its own) with the properties from duck, beaver, and otter, the target object is returned with all four properties. It is important to note that the platypus object is not prototype-linked to the three other objects! That is, platypus doesn't exist in any of the three source objects' prototype chains, and vice versa:
// Object()
// false
// false
// false
// false
// false
// false
Attention! Order matters on same property names.
⚠️ Object.assign() Compatibility ⚠️
Object.assign() is a great way to copy properties own properties into a given object. Keep in mind that since it was introduced to the official specification in ES2015 (ES6), you may need to review browser compatibility to make sure it'll work in your environment.
Attention: It is a design pattern, not a property of the javascript language.
A mixin is a technique that copies data and functionality from a source object (or source objects) to a target object. We can use ES6's Object.assign() to return a target object with properties from one or more source objects "mixed into" that target object.
In the next section, we'll take a look at factory functions and functional mixins -- how they're built, and how we can use them to create objects without the use of the new operator!
Functional Mixins
Remember Constructor Functions?
We previously used a constructor function to create a new object:
function City(name, population) { = name;
this.population = population;
this.identify = function () {
console.log(`${}'s population is ${this.population}.`);
To instantiate, we invoke the function with the new operator:
const sanFrancisco = new City('San Francisco', 870000);
// {
// name: 'San Francisco',
// population: 870000,
// identify: function () {
// console.log(`${}'s population is ${this.population}.`);
// };
// }
We can use the same constructor to create multiple objects:
const mountainView = new City('Mountain View', 78000);
// {
// name: 'Mountain View',
// population: 78000,
// identify: function () {
// console.log(`${}'s population is ${this.population}.`);
// };
// }
Again, note that we used the new keyword each time to create a new object. Let's now shift gears a bit to factory functions which produce object instances without the use of the new operator!
Factory Functions
A factory function is a function that returns an object, but isn't itself a class or constructor. As such, we invoke a factory function as a normal function without using the new operator. Using a factory function, we can easily create object instances without the complexity of classes and constructors!
Check out the following Basketball() factory function:
function Basketball(color) {
return {
color: color,
numDots: 35000
What's important to note here is that Basketball() returns an object directly. This is different from a constructor function which returns its object automatically.
Let's invoke Basketball() and check out its output:
const orangeBasketball = Basketball('orange');
// { color: 'orange', numDots: 35000 }
A factory function has its name because, just like a chair factory can produce chair after chair after chair, a factory function can be used over and over to create any number of objects:
const myBB = Basketball('blue and green');
const yourBB = Basketball('purple');
const bouncy = Basketball('neon pink');
Great! Invoking the factory function allows us to compose a single object -- all without the use of the new operator. Before we take a look at a more complex example, let's summarize the differences between a factory function and a constructor function:
Excample with closures, preserve state possible.
function Radio(mode) {
let on = false;
return {
mode: mode,
turnOn: function () {
on = true;
isOn: function () {
return on;
let fmRadio = Radio('fm');
// false
Functional Mixins
In the previous section, we used mixins to add features into a composite object. We also just leveraged factory functions to create objects without using the new operator or messing with prototypal inheritance. Let's combine what we've learned from mixins and factory functions and take things a step further with functional mixins!
A functional mixin is a composable factory function that receives a _mixin_as an argument, copies properties and methods from that mixin, and returns a new object. Check out the following example:
function CoffeeMaker(object) {
let needsRefill = false;
return Object.assign({}, object, {
pourAll: function () {
needsRefill = true;
isEmpty: function () {
return needsRefill;
Note that unlike a standard factory function, which takes in individual property values as arguments -- the functional mixin actually takes in an object itself! Whichever object is passed in to the function, is merged with other objects passed into Object.assign().
Let's pass the following percolator object into CoffeeMaker() and view the results:
const mixedCoffeeMaker = CoffeeMaker({ style: 'percolator' });
The returned mixedCoffeeMaker object now looks like:
style: 'percolator',
pourAll: function () {
needsRefill = true;
isEmpty: function () {
return needsRefill;
Now, one of the great things about functional mixins is that they are composable; we can use them as individual pieces of code that add specific properties like an assembly line.
Let's take a closer look!
function IceCreamFactory(obj) {
let isCold = true;
return Object.assign({}, obj, {
melt: function () {
isCold = false;
isCold: function () {
return isCold;
let iceCream = IceCreamFactory({});
function ConeFactory(obj) {
let isDry = true;
return Object.assign({}, obj, {
soggy: function () {
isDry = false;
isDry: function () {
return isDry;
let iceCreamCone = IceCreamFactory(ConeFactory({}));
A factory function creates objects. It is invoked as normal function, not with the new operator. Functional mixins take things a bit further by accepting a mixin as an argument, copies properties and methods from the mixin, and returns a new object.
The Module Pattern
Private Properties: Literal
By default, most things things are publicly accessible in JavaScript. We can use closure to make certain parts of an app private, but what if we want to prevent access to a property directly? That is, how would we make a property or method private so it's inaccessible from the outside world? To lend a bit more context, check out a plain object literal handles privacy:
let developer = {
name: 'Veronika',
getName: function () {
We can access the string value 'Veronika' with the getName method, as well as directly by accessing the developer object's name property:
// 'Veronika';
// 'Veronika'
However, what happens when we reassign the object's name property? = 'Not Veronika';
// 'Not Veronika';
// 'Not Veronika'
This sort of open access makes developers uncomfortable. Since we can directly access and mutate an object's properties, we would like a way to implement private properties.
💡Privacy with Underscores? 💡
You may have seen object properties and method names prefixed with an underscore (_), especially in library code. While an underscore is added by the code's author to distinguish privacy, it is privacy by convention only. JavaScript does not give special functionality or meaning to properties prefixed with an underscore!
No Private Properties
Since JavaScript has no concept of private properties out-of-the-box, there is no special syntax or keyword we can use to protect certain properties from being accessed.
However, there is hope! Recall from earlier lessons that we can use scope and closures to create a private state. Let's look at a quick refresher:
function myCounter() {
let count = 0;
return function () {
count += 1;
return count;
let counter = myCounter();
Note that the myCounter() function closes over the count variable. The value of count increments as the function is called:
// 1
// 2
However, there is no way that any method outside the closure itself can access count:
// undefined
// undefined
So, closure provides a way to create private data. How can we leverage these same techniques -- with scope and closures -- to create private properties and methods in an object?
💡Need Review? 💡
The Module Pattern leverages many of the powerful features of JavaScript, such as scope, closures, and immediately-invoked function expressions (IIFE). If any of this material feels largely unfamiliar, or if you simply want a review to freshen things up, check out Lesson 2: Functions at Runtime.
Example with an IIFE function.
let person = (function () {
let name = 'Veronika';
return {
getName: function () {
return name;
setName: function (myName){
name = myName;
// undefined
// 'Veronika'
person.setName('Not Veronika');
// 'Not Veronika'
The Module Pattern: Recap
Before moving on to the next section, let's make sure we're on the same page regarding the Module Pattern. We'll be improving upon it in the very next section! Consider the following:
let diana = (function () {
let secretIdentity = 'Diana Prince';
return {
introduce: function () {
console.log(`Hi! I am ${secretIdentity}`);
Recall that one of the key ingredients here is the IIFE! Not only does it prevent pollution of the global scope (which hinders the chance of variable name collisions) -- the IIFE helps prevent access to the secretIdentity variable.
// undefined
And because the returned object's introduce() method retains access to its parent function's scope, we are given a public interface to interact with secretIdentity:
// 'Hi! I am Diana Prince'
Modules should be Immediately-Invoked-Function-Expressions (IIFE) to allow private scopes - that is, a closure that protects variables and methods (however, an object is returned instead of a function). This is what it looks like:
let diana = (function () {
let secretIdentity = 'Diana Prince';
return {
introduce: function () {
console.log(`Hi! I am ${secretIdentity}`);
Since JavaScript doesn't have private variables, properties, or methods built-in, we can leverage the Module Pattern to enforce such privacy. At its core, the Module Pattern leverages scope, closures, and (commonly) IIFE's to not only hide data from external access, but to also provide a public interface for such data.
In the next section, we'll check out another variation: the Revealing Module Pattern.
Further Research
- Addy Osmani's The Module Pattern (JavaScript Design Patterns)
- Todd Motto's Mastering the Module Pattern
The Revealing Module Pattern
Example for revealing module pattern. See inside return we reveal the properties which we want to share...
let myModule = (function (){
function privateMethod (message) {
function publicMethod (message) {
return {
publicMethod: publicMethod
let myModule2 = (function () {
function privateMethod (message) {
return {
publicMethod: function (message) {
The Revealing Module Pattern
The underlying philosophy of the Revealing Module Pattern is that, while we still maintain encapsulation (as in the Module Pattern), we also reveal certain properties (and methods). The key ingredients to the Revealing Module Pattern are:
- An IIFE (wrapper)
- The module content (variables, methods, objects, etc.)
- A returned object literal
Another Example
To bring it all home, let's check out a more complex example:
let person = (function () {
let privateAge = 0;
let privateName = 'Andrew';
function privateAgeOneYear() {
privateAge += 1;
console.log(`One year has passed! Current age is ${privateAge}`);
function displayName() {
console.log(`Name: ${privateName}`);
function ageOneYear() {
return {
name: displayName,
age: ageOneYear
In the above snippet, the IIFE has some private data: privateAge, privateName, and privateAgeOneYear(). The returned object is stored in person and provides a public interface through which we can access this data!
Let's first check out what the returned person looks like:
name: displayName,
age: ageOneYear
Note that the name() method reveals the otherwise private
displayName() function:
// 'My name is Andrew'
However, what happens if we try to access and mutate privateName?
person.privateName = 'Richard';
// 'My name is Andrew' still produces the string My name is Andrew! Why don't we see the string 'Richard' in the returned string?
Pay close attention to what the first line of code is actually doing: it simply adds a privateName property to the person object. It has no effect on the privateName variable that exists inside the IIFE itself! If we look at the function, it is using the privateName variable that exists inside the IIFE. So even if we add a person.privateName property, the method doesn't ever try to access it.
Note that accessing displayName() directly won't be effective, either! This should come as now surprise, since displayName() is just a function defined inside the IIFE (i.e., displayName() is not a property in the returned object).
// undefined
Likewise, the Revealing Module Pattern also gives us access to the captured privateAge variable, via the returned object literal's age() method:
// 'One year has passed! Current age is 1'
// ''One year has passed! Current age is 2'
Benefits of the Revealing Module Pattern
When writing your modules, there are a few key advantages of using the Revealing Module Pattern. For one, there is clarity at the end of the module (i.e., the return statement) as to which variables or methods may be accessed publicly. Modules may grow large, and this eases readability for other developers who read your code.
Along with clear intent of public or private data, the Revealing Module Pattern lends itself to consistent syntax as well. In contrast, the normal Module Pattern may contain variables and functions spread throughout the entire function body.
While you can't go wrong with either approach to create private properties in your code, be sure to take the time and choose which makes the most sense for your project!
The Revealing Module Pattern is a slight variation on the Module Pattern. IIFE's, local variables/functions, and a returned object literal with revealed data make up the structure and syntax of the Revealing Module Pattern. While it still maintains encapsulation of data, certain variables and functions are returned in an object literal.
In the next section, we'll take a look at object-oriented JavaScript in the real-world, especially in popular library code and frameworks.